Judul: Berbagi Info Seputar [GAPPS] Google Apps Minimal Edition for Android 5.0.x & 5.1 [04/04/2015] Full Update Terbaru
link: [GAPPS] Google Apps Minimal Edition for Android 5.0.x & 5.1 [04/04/2015]
Artikel Terbaru [GAPPS] Google Apps Minimal Edition for Android 5.0.x & 5.1 [04/04/2015] Update Terlengkap 2017
O que é o Google Apps Minimal Edition e que o torna diferente de outros pacotes GApps?
Google Apps Minimal Edition for Android 5.0.x & 5.1 é uma versão simplificada e modificada do pacote Google Apps. O objetivo desse pacote é oferecer as menores GApps embalar possível, além de de-inchaço seu ROM personalizado. O GApps Minimal Edition inclui apenas os fundamentos absolutos para fazer tudo funcionar corretamente. Ele inclui o Google Play Store, Google Play Services e o Google Contact Sync com os frameworks e bibliotecas necessárias.
O que está incluso no GApps Minimal Edition?
GoogleBackupTransport.apk (Handles backup of settings)
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk (Google Contacts Sync)
GoogleFeedback.apk (ForceClose reporting)
GoogleLoginService.apk (Google login system)
GoogleOneTimeInitializer.apk (?)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk (In App purchases)
GoogleServicesFramework.apk (Provides account / login information to Google Apps)
Phonesky.apk (Google Play Store)
PrebuiltGmsCore.apk (Google Play Services)
SetupWizard.apk (Setup Wizard when you first use your phone)
lipAppDataSearch.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libconscrypt_gmscore_jni.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgames_rtmp_jni.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgcastv2_base.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgcastv2_support.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libjgcastservice.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgmscore.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgms-ocrclient.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libjgcastservice.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libNearbyApp.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libsslwrapper_jni (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libWhisper.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk (Google Contacts Sync)
GoogleFeedback.apk (ForceClose reporting)
GoogleLoginService.apk (Google login system)
GoogleOneTimeInitializer.apk (?)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk (In App purchases)
GoogleServicesFramework.apk (Provides account / login information to Google Apps)
Phonesky.apk (Google Play Store)
PrebuiltGmsCore.apk (Google Play Services)
SetupWizard.apk (Setup Wizard when you first use your phone)
lipAppDataSearch.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libconscrypt_gmscore_jni.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgames_rtmp_jni.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgcastv2_base.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgcastv2_support.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libjgcastservice.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgmscore.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libgms-ocrclient.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libjgcastservice.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libNearbyApp.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libsslwrapper_jni (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
libWhisper.so (part of PrebuiltGmsCore.apk)
O que o script de remoção "bloatware" retira do meu sistema?
O script de remoção bloatware irá remover os seguintes itens:
AudioFx.apk (AudioFX)
Apollo.apk (CyanogenMod's Apollo Music Player) - use Google Play Music instead
BasicDreams.apk (Customizable screensaver)
Browser.apk (AOSP Browser) - use Google Chrome instead
Calendar.apk (AOSP Calendar) - use Google Calendar instead
Camera2.apk (AOSP Camera ) use Google Camera or CyanogenMod's Camera Next instead
CellBroadcastReciever.apk (Cell Broadcast Reciever)
CMFileManager.apk (CyanogenMod File Manager) - use Cabinet Beta instead
CMHome.apk (Google Now Search Panel for Trebuchet) - use a better launcher
CMWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
Dashclock.apk (Dashclock widget for lockscreen)
DSPManager.apk (Sound Processor & Graphic Equalizer)
Eleven.apk (CyanogenMod Music Player for Android 5.0 Lollipop) - use Google Play Music instead
Email.apk (Email Sync for IMAP, POP3, Exchange accounts)
Exchange2.apk (Part of Email.apk)
Galaxy4.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
LiveWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
Music.apk (AOSP Music Player) - use Google Play Music instead
NoiseField.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
PhaseBeam.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
PhotoPhase.apk (Screensaver Bloat)
Phototable.apk (Screensaver bloat)
PicoTts.apk (AOSP Text-To-Speech) - use Google TTS instead
VideoEditor.apk (MovieStudio)
VisualizationWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
VoicePlus.apk (Google Voice and Hangouts integration)
WhisperPush.apk (Secure Messaging Integration - Read more about it here)
AudioFx.apk (AudioFX)
Apollo.apk (CyanogenMod's Apollo Music Player) - use Google Play Music instead
BasicDreams.apk (Customizable screensaver)
Browser.apk (AOSP Browser) - use Google Chrome instead
Calendar.apk (AOSP Calendar) - use Google Calendar instead
Camera2.apk (AOSP Camera ) use Google Camera or CyanogenMod's Camera Next instead
CellBroadcastReciever.apk (Cell Broadcast Reciever)
CMFileManager.apk (CyanogenMod File Manager) - use Cabinet Beta instead
CMHome.apk (Google Now Search Panel for Trebuchet) - use a better launcher
CMWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
Dashclock.apk (Dashclock widget for lockscreen)
DSPManager.apk (Sound Processor & Graphic Equalizer)
Eleven.apk (CyanogenMod Music Player for Android 5.0 Lollipop) - use Google Play Music instead
Email.apk (Email Sync for IMAP, POP3, Exchange accounts)
Exchange2.apk (Part of Email.apk)
Galaxy4.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
LiveWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
Music.apk (AOSP Music Player) - use Google Play Music instead
NoiseField.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
PhaseBeam.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
PhotoPhase.apk (Screensaver Bloat)
Phototable.apk (Screensaver bloat)
PicoTts.apk (AOSP Text-To-Speech) - use Google TTS instead
VideoEditor.apk (MovieStudio)
VisualizationWallpapers.apk (Wallpaper bloat)
VoicePlus.apk (Google Voice and Hangouts integration)
WhisperPush.apk (Secure Messaging Integration - Read more about it here)
Step 1. Copie o arquivo .zip para o cartão de memória ou para memória interna
Step 2. Inicie o smartphone em modo recovery
Step 3. Instale o .zip
Step 4. Utilize Wipe dalvik & wipe cache
Step 5. Reinicie o sistema e aproveite o novo pacote!
Download GApps Minimal Edition:
Download Add-Ons:
Download Bloatware Removal Script 2015-03-24 (181 KB)
Download Google App (Search) v4.3.10.88581490.arm 2015-04-04 for Android 5.0.x (44 MB)
Download Google App (Search) v4.3.10.88581490.arm 2015-03-24 for Android 5.1 (44 MB)
Download FaceLock 2015-03-24 for Android 5.0.x (8 MB)
Download FaceLock 2015-03-24 for Android 5.1 (8 MB)
Download AOSP Calendar Sync 2015-02-03 (1 MB)
Download Google App (Search) v4.3.10.88581490.arm 2015-04-04 for Android 5.0.x (44 MB)
Download Google App (Search) v4.3.10.88581490.arm 2015-03-24 for Android 5.1 (44 MB)
Download FaceLock 2015-03-24 for Android 5.0.x (8 MB)
Download FaceLock 2015-03-24 for Android 5.1 (8 MB)
Download AOSP Calendar Sync 2015-02-03 (1 MB)
- Google Play Store atualizada versão 5.4.10
- Corrigido bibliotecas do Google App Add-On Package 5.0.x
- Modificado o arquivo 73-google.sh do Google App Add On Package 5.0.x
- Atualizado Google Play Services para versão 7.0.99 nas CPUs armeabi-v7a
- Merged separate DPI specific .zips into one package for easy end-user flashing (GApps package will automatically detect and install the correct Google Play Services for your device. Credits to Deltadroid for the "install-optional.sh" script source.)
- Added 5.1 GApps package (Credits to Deltadroid for the core base - Nexus 10 LMY47D Factory Image)
- Added flashable Facelock .zip for Android 5.1 (view OP, Add-On section)
- Added flashable Google App (Search) .zip for Android 5.1 (view OP, Add-On section)
- Updated to Google Play Services v7.0.97 for armeabi-v7a CPU
- Updated to Google Play Store v5.3.6 for armeabi-v7a CPU
- Updated to Google App (Search) v4..arm
- Updated FAQ
- Modified updater-script for 5.0.x & 5.1 packages
- Modified Bloatware Removal Script
- Removed "libjni_latinime.so" from GApps packages (Use Google Keyboard instead)
- Dropped support for x86-based devices
- Added x86 GApps Package
- Updated to Google Play Services v7.0.87 for armeabi-v7a CPU & x86 CPU
- Updated to Google Play Store v5.3.5 for armeabi-v7a CPU & x86 CPU
- Updated FAQ
- Modified 70-gapps.sh
- Added libNearbyApp.so (part of Google Play Services update)
- Updated to Google App (Search) v4.
- Fixed "Unknown Issue with Google Play Services" due to corrupt PrebuiltGmsCore.apk's
- Updated to Google Play Services v6.7.76 for arm-v7a CPU
- Updated to Google Play Services v6.7.76 for 320 DPI arm64-v8a CPU
- Updated to Google Play Services v6.7.74 for 480 DPI arm64-v8a CPU
- Updated to Google Play Store v5.2.13 for arm64-v8a CPU
- Updated to correct libs for arm64 packages
- Updated Bloatware Removal Script to help eliminate potential conflicts within addon.d directory
- Fixed lib issue (libjni_latinime.so) where gesture typing was not enabled when using AOSP Keyboard
- Added Google App (Search) v4. for arm64 devices (see Add-On section)
- Re-uploaded Google Play Services v6.6.03 for Universal DPI arm64-v8a CPU
- Updated to Google Play Store v5.2.13 for armeabi-v7a CPU
- Updated to Google Play services v6.7.74 for 240 DPI, armeabi-v7a CPU
- Updated to Google Play services v6.7.74 for Universal, 320, & 480 DPI, armeabi-v7a CPU
- Updated to Google Play Store v5.2.12 for armeabi-v7a CPU
- Updated to Google App (Search) v4..arm
- Updated to Google Play Services v6.6.03 for 240, 320 & 480 DPI, armeabi-v7a CPU
- Added Google Play Services v6.6.03 Universal, 320, & 480 DPI, arm64-v8a CPU
- Added Google App v4..arm as separate flashable .zip (view OP, Add-On section)
- Added AOSP Calendar Sync as separate flashable .zip (view OP, Add-On section)
- Added FaceLock as separate flashable .zip (view OP, Add-On section)
- Added Bloatware Removal Script as separate flashable .zip (view OP, Add-On section)
- Removed Minimal Plus Edition (in favor of Bloatware Removal Script)
- Removed Minimal GS & GS Plus Edition (in favor of Google App flashable .zip)
- Updated FAQ
- Updated core to Android 5.0.2 LRX22G (Razor Factory Image)
- Updated to Google Play Services 6.6.03 1681564-430
- Added GS & GS Plus Edition (See OP for details)
- Updated to Google (Search) for GS & GS Plus Packages
- Added libcronet.so (part of Google (Search) update) to GS & GS Plus Packages
- Removed Minimal X Edition
- Removed com.google.android.dialer.support.xml (Permission no longer needed)
- Removed com.google.android.dialer.support.jar (Framework no longer needed)
- Renamed Minimal X+ Edition to Minimal Plus Edition
- Fixed issue with Plus Edition packages not removing certain system apps
- Added CyanogenMod Music Player (Eleven.apk) to removal list for Plus editions
- Added AudioFX (AudioFx.apk) to removal list for Plus editions
- Updated updater-script
- Updated 70-gapps.sh
- Updated FAQ
- Updated to Google Play Services v6.5.99 for Universal & 320 DPI
- Added Minimal X+ Edition (Read OP)
- Removed Google Search from all packages
- Updated FAQ
- Updated Core to Android 5.0.1 LRX22C (Razor Factory Image)
- Added Google Play Services -430 (Universal DPI)
- Added Google Play Services -434 (240 DPI)
- Updated to Google Play Services v6.5.99 for 480 & 240 DPI
- Updated to Google Play Services v6.5.87 for 320 & Universal DPI
- Updated to Google Play Store v5.1.11
- Added Google Search v4.0.29.1615250.arm to all packages (Fixes "-505" error)
- Added libsslwrapper_jni.so to all packages (part of GPS v6.5.xx update)
- Modified updater-script
- Modified 70-gapps.sh
- Updated FAQ
- Initial Release
Google for the apps
CyanogenMod for the original GApps package
Deltadroid for the updated sources and modified install-optional.sh script
TKruzze for the updated GPS sources
BaNkS for the original minimal GApps packages and updated sources for 5.0.x
Fred6681 for helping me identify certain libs & apk's
androcraze for testing and providing feedback on earlier Android 5.0 GApps builds
CyanogenMod for the original GApps package
Deltadroid for the updated sources and modified install-optional.sh script
TKruzze for the updated GPS sources
BaNkS for the original minimal GApps packages and updated sources for 5.0.x
Fred6681 for helping me identify certain libs & apk's
androcraze for testing and providing feedback on earlier Android 5.0 GApps builds
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