Info Tentang [APP] OnePlus One APPs / APKs Update Terbaru 2017 Gratis

Sedikit Info Seputar [APP] OnePlus One APPs / APKs Terbaru 2017 - Hay gaes kali ini team Cyber Pekok, kali ini akan membahas artikel dengan judul [APP] OnePlus One APPs / APKs, kami selaku Team Cyber Pekok telah mempersiapkan artikel ini untuk sobat sobat yang menyukai Cyber Pekok. semoga isi postingan tentang Artikel Apps, yang saya posting kali ini dapat dipahami dengan mudah serta memberi manfa'at bagi kalian semua, walaupun tidak sempurna setidaknya artikel kami memberi sedikit informasi kepada kalian semua. ok langsung simak aja sob
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Artikel Terbaru [APP] OnePlus One APPs / APKs Update Terlengkap 2017

Olá pessoal,

aqui estão alguns apps do OnePlus One 

Você tem que ter instalado a ROM CM11 em diante !! 
Se você não tiver, mais tarde alguns apps podem não funcionar corretamente.


Eu não sou responsável por qualquer dano ou defeitos, faça por sua conta e risco!

Apps Inclusos:

Aplicativos mais comuns:

XNPH22Q (28.05.2014)


CMFileManager ( apk / Zip )

CMFota ( apk / Zip )

CMKeyguard ( apk / Zip )

CMLogger ( apk / Zip )
CMStats ( apk / Zip )
Hexo ( apk / Zip )
HexoIcons ( apk / Zip )
OnePlus One Camera ( apk / Zip )
OnePlus One Gallery ( apk / Zip )
OnePlus One AudioFX ( apk / Zip )
OnePlus One Musicplayer ( apk / Zip )
ThemeChooser from CM11s ( apk / Zip )
ThemeProvider from CM11s ( apk / Zip )
ThemeStore from CM11s ( apk / Zip )
Screencast ( apk / Zip )

XNPH19O (27.05.2014)


OnePlus One Camera ( apk / Zip )

OnePlus One Gallery ( apk / Zip )

OnePlus One AudioFX ( apk / Zip )

OnePlus One Musicplayer ( apk / Zip )
ThemeChooser from CM11s ( apk / Zip )
ThemeProvider from CM11s ( apk / Zip )
ThemeStore from CM11s ( apk / Zip )
Screencast ( apk / Zip )

XNPH16Q (16.05.2014)


OnePlus One Camera  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )

OnePlus One Camera (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )

OnePlus One Gallery  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )

OnePlus One Gallery (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
OnePlus One AudioFX  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
OnePlus One AudioFX (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
OnePlus One Musicplayer  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
ThemeStore from CM11s  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
ThemeStore from CM11s (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
GreatFreedom [Theme]  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
GreatFreedom [Theme] (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
Screencast  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
Screencast (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
VoicePlus  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
VoicePlus (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
VoiceWakeup  (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
VoiceWakeup (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
OnePlus One Fonts:

OnePlus One Fonts (zip) ( Mega ) [XNPH19O]

Alegreya [Font] (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )

Bilbo [Font] (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )

Encode [Font] (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
Josefin [Font] (apk) ( Mega / Zippyshare )



OnePlus One Bootanimation (1920x1080) (zip) ( Mega ) [XNPH19O]

OnePlus One Bootanimation (1920x1080) (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )

OnePlus One Bootanimation (1280x768) (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )

OnePlus One Bootanimation (1280x720) (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
OnePlus One Bootanimation (960x540) (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
OnePlus One Bootanimation (854x480) (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )
OnePlus One Bootanimation (800x480) (zip) ( Mega / Zippyshare )


 = Push .apk File to "/system/priv-app" or "/system/app" . set permission to "rw-r--r--", reboot and have fun or use the alternativ .zip Files 

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